Cooking and Composition

adventures in discourse and dinner

. . .And The Winner Is! — March 16, 2014

. . .And The Winner Is!

Last week, I ran my Spring Break Give Away to celebrate a week off a school.

Turns out, I was celebrating a week of the respiratory flu! Yay!

But, don’t worry. My germs didn’t touch this Barnes & Noble gift card at all. It’s been tucked away safely in my planner, which I would have been avoiding all week, ill or not.

Today, I’ll be brief, just long enough to announce the winner: th3bak3rman!

Please let me know via my contact page where I can send your gift card! 🙂

Oh, you have a week off? — March 13, 2014
Spring Break Give Away! — March 7, 2014

Spring Break Give Away!

If you’re reading this, I just finished up teaching my last class before Spring Break!

What a semester it’s been so far. Between snow days, technology issues, yada yada yada. . .I am so ready for this week off. And I’ve even managed to keep up with grading so that I get to have a week off.

This is rare. I still have some work to do, but nothing major. Yay!

And to share this excitement, I’ve got a GIVE AWAY for you! Continue reading